Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication
Women Development Cell (WDC)
1. Constitution of the Women Development Cell (WDC)
The WDC is committed to promote gender equality and empower women both within and beyond the university community. The aim of WDC is to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching, contractual workers) and students, to thrive in, and maintain a dignified congenial working environment where they can work, study and explore their potential to the fullest extent. It is actively working towards achieving this goal through a range of initiatives and activities. Any women employees and/or students of MCU can approach WDC for any problem relating to their work, safety, security etc. A separate Internal Complaints Committee has been established for prevention of and action against sexual harassment of women at workplace.
The following is the constitution of the WDC at Makhanlal Chaturvedi University of Journalism and Communication which is appointed by the Chancellor of the University. The members of the Cell shall hold office for a period of three years provided that where a person ceases to be an employee or student, he/she shall cease to be a member of the Cell.
2. Power, Roles and Functions of WDC
- To sensitize all members of the MCU community towards the Supreme Court and statutory mandate prohibiting gender discriminations or any other problems relating to safety and security of women at the work place.
- To provide encouragement for building confidence of women employees and students through their involvement in academic, cultural and outreach activities such as talks, seminars, workshops, etc.
- To provide for dialogue, discussion, and deliberation on women’s rights and gender-related issues.
- To become a resource center for women and provide a forum for exchange of ideas.
- To review safety and security measures for female employees and students at MCU campus.
- To promote general well-being of female students and teaching and non-teaching women staff of MCU.
- To create awareness about health and hygiene among girl students.
- To create social awareness about the problems of women in general and gender discrimination in particular by means of programs like lectures, workshops and seminars.
- To develop skills among the girl students by means of workshops and training programs for their overall personality development as well as for the encouragement of self-reliance among them.
- To create legal awareness among women by informing about Women Welfare Laws.
- To encourage participation of NGOs working in the area of women’s development in the activities of the Cell.
- To ensure and supervise the proper constitution and functioning of the Women’s Development Committee (WDC) set up at the each faculty and constituent institutions/centers of MCU .
- To process individual grievances concerning any kind of harassment in the MCU Office or in any faculty or in constituent institutions/centers.
- To hold annual programs, seminars, workshops and meetings regarding Women’s Development and resolution of any kind of Harassment.
- To act as the Appellate Authority in respect of the decisions taken by the WDC in constituent institutions/centers of MCU.
- To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by or under these regulations.
- To do all such activities and things as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of these regulations.
- The Cell shall constitute one or more Committees for implementation of women’s policy in general and for dealing with cases/ complaints of any kind.
3. Composition of WDC:
The Women’s Development Committee (WDC) shall consist of eight members, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor of the University as under, namely:
- Coordinator of the Women Development Cell
- One Head of the Department
- Two members from the teaching staff of the college or the recognized institution (of whom one shall be a woman)
- Two women member from the non-teaching staff of the college or the recognized institution
- Two students from the University (of whom one shall be a Lady Representative)
Where there is no woman, a male employee may be appointed
4. Terms of Office:
The members of the Committee shall hold office for a period of three years provided that where a person ceases to be an employee or student, he/she shall cease to be a member of the Committee.
5. Powers and Functions of the Committee:
The powers and functions of the Committee shall be as determined by the Cell.
6. Contact:
Dr. Garima Patel
Women Development Cell
Mobile No.: 9200228228
Email id:
Women Development Cell Committee
1. | Dr. Garima Patel | Coordinator |
2. | Dr. Arti Sarang | HOD, Dept. of Library & Information Science |
3. | Lt. Mukesh Chourase | Asst. Professor, Dept. of Electronic Media |
4. | Ms. Manisha Verma | Asst. Professor, Dept. of Media Management |
5. | Mrs. Priyanka Sonkar | Production Assistant , Dept. of Electronic Media |
6. | Mrs. Pratibha Patel | Office Asst. Grade 3,Dept. of Mass Communication |
7. | Anuj K. Soni | Student, MAAPR 3 |
8. | Vishakha Kumari | Student, MAJ 2 |
- आदेश: विश्वविद्यालय में महिला विकास प्रकोष्ठ (Women Development Cell) का गठन करने बाबत्
- आदेश: विश्वविद्यालय में महिला विकास प्रकोष्ठ (Women Development Cell) के समन्वयक की नियुक्ति बाबत्
Events Organised by the Cell:
- Women Development Cell of MCU hosted a feature writing competition
- Here’s to strong Women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them
- एमसीयू में “मीडिया में अवसर, चुनौतियां और संभावनाएं” विषय पर व्याख्यान सम्पन्न (06/03/2025)
- Make the fire inside you burn brighter than the fire around you (06/03/2025)
- Education is Liberation, Knowledge is Power
- आपकी आवाज़ ही आपकी शक्ति है– बोलिए, आत्मविश्वास से खड़े रहिए और दुनिया बदलिए!
- Your voice is your power- Speak up, stand tall, and change the world
- Members of the Women Development Cell of MCU participated in a Two-days special Gender Sensitivity Training Program
- There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish (21 March, 2024)
- पत्रकारिता विश्वविद्यालय में “भारत रत्न लता मंगेशकर सभागार” का कुलपति प्रो. सुरेश ने किया लोकार्पण (07 मार्च, 2024)
- MCU Celebrates its Women Power (07 March, 2024)