Mentor List:

Order for Chairman of Mentor-Mentee Cell:

About Mentor-Mentee Cell

Students face various challenging situations during their period of study in this university. So, the mentor-mentee cell is formed in order to attend their concerns, grievances and to redress & to take appropriate course of actions by mentor and management of the university.

This cell is primarily formed with a vision to give guidance & assistance to all students towards their improvement in studies and extracurricular activities and to bring down their difficulties during their tenure with the university.

Through this cell, University also provides counseling and personal attention to all students.    Mentees can avail information about their course content, reviews, scholarships, alumni , NCC, NSS and extra activities that can enhance the confidence,  or strengthen them physically and mentally in order to focus on their studies or choose appropriate activities of their interest.

University believes that Mentor-Mentee concept will develop harmony and the relationship with mentors, university staffs, society, parents and with the other students in the university as well.

Aims & Objectives:

  • To develop harmony and the relationship with mentors, university staffs, society and parent
  • To ensure & enhance academic performance of Mentees and encourage them for extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities
  • To inspire and instill confidence in students
  • To regulate involvement of mentees in academic activities and assess the outcome for inculcating multifaceted skills among them
  • To bridge communication gap between Mentor-Mentee
  • To inculcate the skills among mentees for dealing with the real time issues & indulging the skills for holistic development
  • To discuss , resolve and reduce stress during the study or in imparting education to students
  • To promote discipline and regulate the activities of Mentor-Mentee

Duties/Responsibilities of Mentors:

  • Introduce & discuss the concept of Mentor-Mentee with assigned Mentees.
  • Call the meeting of all mentees fortnightly or as per need and record their issues, provide remedy to issues, advise and suggest them for enhancing academic performance, encourage them for them participation in extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities, record their required information and details in prescribed format, discuss them about schedule of future meeting.
  • Keep track record of the academic performance(Internal & External exam) and behavioral aspects from friends, classmates, and hostel warden/parent
  • Help and support mentees rationally and sensitively.
  • Maintain the record of progress of academic, extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities of slow learner/underperformer mentees and take appropriate remedial action
  • Guide and arrange extra class/remedial class for slow learner/underperformer mentees and take appropriate remedial action
  • Keep the record of class attendance of Mentee monthly and suggestive action to be taken before internal and Semester End Examination(SEE)

Duties/Responsibilities of Mentees:

  • Attend the meeting regularly
  • Fill the personal and academic information in prescribed form at the time of admission or joining mentor-mentee group
  • Provide details of attendance, marks of internal and Semester End Examination(SEE), participation in extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities whenever required
  • Seek guidance and suggestions of mentors and ,Strictly follow them
  • Behave with mentor with honor, dignity, courtesy and sophistically manner

Program Details:

  • At the time of admission/ starting of Academic Session, mentees are assigned to mentors from the first year of program by Mentor-Mentee Cell on recommendation of Head of Department.
  • Mentee of One Program year wise may be assigned to one mentor. A mentor cannot have more than 40 mentees under him at a time.
  • During the program duration, preferably same mentees shall be attached to same mentors.
  • Mentor-Mentee Cell will summon the records of meetings of mentees from mentors regularly basis.
  • Mentors have to carry out duties and responsibilities of Mentors as described
  • Mentor will identify star performers and the poor performance /slow learners from the list of assigned mentee, causes of their performance or indifferent behavior. Mentors have to report to HOD of concerned department with copy to Mentor-Mentee Cell.
  • In special cases/situations, Chairperson –Mentor-Mentee Cell /HOD may interact with mentee and their parents also.
  • Mentor will maintain and monitors the attendance and behavior issues of their mentees, Mentors will take corrective measures or may involve parents, if required inform the HOD of concerned Department and Chairperson Mentor-Mentee Cell for further action.
  • For Academic affairs, the mentor will also maintain and track the academic performance of their mentees. Academic Performance may include class continuous assessment, internal assessment, semester end assessment, and participation record in extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities.

Mentor-Mentee Cell:

The following are persons to be appointed in Mentor-Mentee Cell of University:

  • Chairperson Mentor-Mentee Cell
  • Dean Student Welfare and Academic as Members
  • All Heads of Academic Departments as Members
  • All Faculty Members as Mentor Member
  • Incharge Scholarship Division as Member
  • Chief Warden of Girls & Boys Hostels
  • Chief Proctor/Incharge Discipline Committee as Member
  • Incharge for Cultural, and Sports Committee as Members