पिछले अंक
Media Mimansa
July-September 2016
Chief Editor
Prof. B.K. Kuthiala

Lajpat Ahuja

Editorial Board
Dr. Aarti
Tarun Sen

Designing & Composing
Publication Department
Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalis & Communication
B-38, Vikas Bhawan, M.P. Nagar, Zone-I, Bhopal-462011
Phone: 0755-2554904
email: publication.mcu@gmail.com
Facebook: journalmediamimansa

Single copy : Rs. 100/-, Annual : Rs. 350/- Students and Research Scholars
Single copy : Rs. 75/-, Annual : Rs. 200/-
Institutional Membership : Rs. 1,000/- (Annual)

Please remit your subscription through draft in favour of Registrar, MCRPVV, Bhopal.

Printed & Published by:
Deepak Sharma (Registrar), Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalis & Communication, B-38, Vikas Bhawan, M.P. Nagar, Zone-I, Bhopal-462011
Freedom of press with significance of journalism ethics in India
– Dr. Deepak M. Shinde
Climate change issues in South Asia Newspapers
– Dr. I. ArulAlam, G.C. PremNivas
Usages of social networking sites: An analysis of Socio-Psychological Framework
– Dr. R.K. Lilapati Devi
India in the coverage of Pakistan Media: A Content Analysis study with special reference to post Pathankot Attack
– Dr. Monika Verma, Harshwardhani Sharma
समाचार माध्यमों की आचार संहिताओं के प्रति पत्रकारों की धारणा का अध्ययन
– मो. हुसैन ताबिश
समाज में संवाद की श्रेष्ठ परंपरा के गौरव शिखर- कबीर
– अमरेन्द्र कुमार आर्य
बदलते परिवेश में बैगा जनजाति समुदाय की गोदना परंपराएँ
– अनिल कुमार पाण्डेय