Criterion 2- Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes:

2.6.1 The institution has stated learning outcomes (Program and Course outcomes)/graduate attributes which are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and other documents and the attainment of the same are evaluated by the institution.

Response: University is offering NEP based several programmes at undergraduate level. University has incorporated Choice-based-Credit-System and Outcome-Based Learning Educations in curriculum and syllabus of all programmes. Program Eductional Objectives, Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes designed for all streams of University such as Media, Computer and Management. Syllabus are proposed by individual faculty and recommended by BOS for approval by academic council. The university uses precise mechanisms to engage in necessary syllabus revision, policy modification, student support, and employability to demonstrate its continuous efforts for improvement and success in achieving its vision and mission statement.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) are drafted after careful consideration and in consonance with the vision and mission of the University. Every programme and course has a clearly stated PLOs and CLOs respectively. PLOs clearly state the learning objectives and outcomes of all the Undergraduate, and Postgraduate Programmes. Every department has well defined PLOs for the programmes offered. Course Objectives (COs) and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are drafted by matching the syllabus with the content. The suggestions from the academicians of other institutes, industry experts and Alumni are obtained in respective Boards of Studies (BOS) and are duly incorporated. Modifications, if any, are carried out and approved by the Academic Council of the University. The University follows ‘Outcome Based Education’. The approach underlines the importance of learning outcomes, that is, the outcome which the students would be able to attain after undergoing a certain programme or a course. The programme outcomes are drafted as per the guidelines of the regulatory bodies such as NEP, AICTE, UGC, etc., to meet the global standards as well as the requirements of programme. The course outcomes are identified or assigned as per the contents and objectives of the course within the programme framework. The course objectives are taken into consideration while drafting the course outcome so that they are in synchronization with each other. In general, the number of hours required for the course completion which would include both theory and practical components, weightage of content and evaluation pattern must sync with the CLOs. These vital issues are duly addressed and discussed in BoS meetings. Furthermore, while drafting or revising the curriculum of a certain programme or course, it is ensured that the course learning outcomes represent the various dimensions of the Bloom’s taxonomy. Learning Outcomes are integrated into assessment system at all levels and is indicated in the blue print prepared for each assessment paper. All degree programmes offered by the University have clearly stated outcomes that define the expected competencies among students upon successful completion of programme. Course Learning Outcomes are drawn at the course level, including details of expected outcomes from students, which are clearly stated in the syllabus. The program structures, along with their PLOs and CLOs are widely publicised to all its stakeholders through the website. Furthermore, Learning Outcomes are also explained to the students during Orientation Programme at the beginning of the semester and by their respective teachers through the course plan.

2.6.2 Pass percentage of students (excluding backlog students) (Data to be provided only for the latest completed academic year).

Response: 94.31 Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.

Response: 746